The name “Ayurveda” is derived from two words in Sanskrit, “AYU” meaning “life” or “longevity” and “VEDA” meaning “science” or “sacred knowledge.” Ayurveda’s definition therefore roughly translates as “the science of longevity” or “the sacred knowledge of life.”
Ayurveda is Thousand of years old science of healthcare and herbal treatment. Ayurveda is highly effective in common and complicated ailments and assures long term relief without anyside effects. Ayurveda is now backed by modern scientific research and technologies and provides its gentle healing touch to millions around the world.
Shree Shanker Ayurvedic Pharmacy is one of the most reputed and leading Pharma company from Gujarat in the field of Ayurvedic medicine manufacturer. The journey of Shree Shanker Ayurvedic Pharmacy was started by Vaidya RamanlalAgnihotri from since 1942 in a small room with only 2 products. Later on with his numerous efforts and hard work the company was started near Sarangpur dolatkhana , Ahmedabad.
Later on Vaidya Ramanlal Agnihotri along with his four Son further develop the firm throughout the state of Gujarat & Maharashtra by working hard day and night. The third generation of shree shanker ayurvedic pharmacy also work with modern research and manufacturing techniques.
Shree Shanker Ayurvedic Pharmacy manufacture various type of Ayurveda medicines like Churna , Kwath kashaya , kwath yavkut, Oil , Loha-Bhasma, Vati-Gutika ,Tablets , Rasa-Rasayan, Gold compound, Guggulu preparations, Ghanvatis, Lepa , Avaleha , Syrups & Ghrita .
The company is having a GMP Certificate along with all the modern machineries & A.H.U. system in the premises with fully developed Quality Control Laboratory with highly educated R&D Staff .
Currently the company is well known throughout the India with actively members in various associations like GAAMA (Gujarat Ayurved Aushadha Manufacturing Association) & ADMA (Ayurveda Drug Manufacturing Association) .
The company dispatched there goods in differents state of India like Gujarat , Maharashtra , Uttrakhand , Madhya Pradesh , Uttar Pradesh , Orissa , Karnataka , Rajasthan & Delhi.